Humpday, Dec. 23, 2009

A few tidbits to get us through the week …
  • Kids have such an elegant way of simplifying the world. Here’s the decade in review, according to nine-year-olds.
  • Money-Smart Kids – As we leave behind one of the most, if not THE most economically disastrous year on record, and face a new decade of staggering debt, I think it’s clear we need to teach our kids what schools do not about money. Last I knew, schools barely scratch the surface with a few lessons about balancing a checkbook. I hope it’s changed. Kids are never to young to learn about financial literacy. From the time I can remember, I’d hear my father say, “credit is a tool not a toy.” Great advice, Pop. I have alot of friends that, years later, are learning that the hard way. Let’s teach our kids how to be responsible with money.
  • is the family guide to video games. You know, come to think about it, video games have gotten a bad rap. In moderate doses, video games can actually be healthy for kids. Having grown up in the Atari era, and having witnessed the dawning of the first Nintendo Entertainment System, I can say without doubt that there are few things in a young kids life that can sustain his or her attention, while taking them through multiple levels of problem solving. Like anything else in life – too much is too much. But – now as parents- rather than tolerate video games, maybe it’s time we embrace them again.

Enjoy the jumps! Come back and see us when you can …


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